
Sunday, December 12, 2010

It Must Be A Sign

Mr. Hyena's side of the guest list is MUCH larger than mine. We are getting married in a fairly small church. If we went with the traditional "Bride's Side, Groom's Side," my side would be ... sad-looking, and there wouldn't be room for everyone on his side. There won't be any ushers, and I like the idea of letting people sit wherever they want, but I didn't know how to convey that until I saw this sign:

Hmm. I could do something like that!

I had a couple 11x14 sheets of glass laying around (they came from some photo frames I bought, but the pictures I matted for them were too thick for the glass to fit back in), and was looking for a way to use them. I used the paint pen I bought for my hanger project and some silver spray paint I found at my parents' house. (Woohoo! This project was fuh-REE!)

Step 1: Get on the computer and type out your text in the font you want the sign to be in. Print it out.

Step 2: Tape your paper with the text to the underside of the glass. The glass should be on top of the words in the way you'd like them to be read.

Step 3: Use the paint pen to trace over the words through the glass. Two coats'll do it!

Step 4: I didn't like the blank space in between the two lines of text, so I drew a heart in between. <3

Step 5: When the text is complete and dry, flip the glass over. Spray paint the backside of the glass (the side without the text). Let it dry. You can do two coats, but I'm lazy and only did one, and it still looks good.

Step 6: Flip it over to reveal your signage masterpiece! (It looks better than this in real life, the glass makes it hard to take a picture of.) The part I love best? Because the paint is on both sides of the glass, automatic drop shadowww!

I plan to prop it up outside the sanctuary on one of those little photo stands.

Are you doing his-side, her-side seating?


  1. just found your blog, it's adorable! feel free to stop by mine and say hello :)

    she said yes!

  2. What a great idea! I would have never thought to do something like that.

  3. Love this idea! May have to borrow...My church doesn't have a center aisle, so we're putting everyone in the middle section of seats, which is totally fine by me because I see no point in formal "sides."
