
Saturday, December 4, 2010

On the Fifth Day of Christmas...

... my true love gave to meeee ... myyy wedding riiiiiiiing!

Well, not yet. But Matt and I agreed to gift each other our wedding rings for Christmas, and yesterday I picked up his ring from the jeweler!

It's hammered yellow gold with white gold edging, so it matches both his Aggie ring and my rings.

I'm so excited about it, and dying to show him (and make him model it!), but I guess I'll just have to wrap it all pretty-like and forget about it for now. Easier said than done!

Are you doing anything special for Christmas?

(personal photos)


  1. Gifting each other our wedding bands. =)

    Did he help pick it out? Or is it going to be a surprise! I love it. I didn't consider matching his Aggie ring. You should get a shot of both rings when you give it to him!

  2. He picked it out. I didn't want to get something he wouldn't like, so we went shopping together.
