
Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Things We Do For Hair, Part 3

Last July, Hyena Sis called me to tell me about a recent purchase she'd made. Real hair extensions! Because they're made of real hair, they can be curled, washed, straightened and styled just like the rest of your hair. :) Hyena Sis has the same hair color as I do, although I've dyed mine a few (okay, a lot) more times than she has, so my ends are a little bit lighter than the rest of my hair. But, because she's a good sister, she offered to let me borrow them from her for the wedding. Hooray!

Mr. H was not on board with this when I first mentioned it. He said he liked my normal hair. Duly noted. :)

My current hair.

The extensions were long enough that they'd probably look a little weird if I chopped my hair off and tried to pull them off, but if I let it keep growing, they'd probably look pretty natural. Hyena Sis also is considering cutting them to be a little bit shorter. But it's cool to know that it's an option!

Extensions! (all photos personal)

Obviously I'd like it to be curly, which will probably make them blend in better as well.

Would you try extensions for your wedding hair?


  1. Whoa! Those look good! I say go for it my brother won't notice :-)

  2. Thanks! Haha, I figured the same, he'd only notice if it looked bad!
