
Monday, September 13, 2010

And I Don't Even Know My Last Name

I honestly have no opinion in the whole name-change debate. I like my current name. I like Mr. Hyena's last name. Both are difficult to pronounce, and they're both about the same length. I think my main attachment to my current name is that I'm used to it. And you know change is always bad. ^_~

So I had a conversation with Mom Hyena. I was contemplating Changing My Name vs. Hyphenating (for a ridiculously long, ridiculously difficult-to-pronounce name), and she had an interesting perspective. I asked her if she had ever thought about not changing her name when she married H-Dad, and she said no, things like that "just weren't done" back then. Of course you take your husband's name; why wouldn't you?

But the kicker, and honestly the most realistic answer I've heard thus far, is that sometimes it is better to change your name simply because it would cause problems if you didn't.

Let me explain that a little better ... I like to think I'm nontraditional, but I am marrying a man who is very traditional. And even though he often tells me to do what makes me happy, keeping my current name is likely to cause more harm than good. No attachment to my current name is enough to make me want to do that.

Are you changing your name? Why or why not?

1 comment:

  1. I definitely am - I agree that hyphenating would complicate things and that not taking his last name is probably more trouble than it's worth. Plus I'm looking forward to having a pronounceable name. Also... Paul is super-traditional and has no problem letting me know that his feelings would really be hurt if I didn't. (Been there done that) :-)
