
Saturday, October 9, 2010

How to avoid wedding projects and influence no one.

Remember when I was working on our boutonnieres, and I was all gung-ho about getting the corsages done too?

Pile o' crafts

Yeahhhh ... I had been effectively avoiding this project for weeks while I tried to figure out what I should do with them. See, I got about this far in the project:

... and then I didn't know what else to do. I wanted the flower to face outward instead of upward, but these flowers are a lot bigger than I think most corsage flowers are. I was stuck, so instead of coming up with a solution, I let my one sad lone corsage sit. And sit. And continue sitting a couple weeks more. I showed it to Mom Hyena via webcam. I showed it to MIL Hyena. One suggested I make wrist corsages:

One said she didn't want a wrist corsage because they look too much like something you'd wear to prom. But I didn't want to have a monstrous flower chillin' on anyone's chest either, and I didn't know how big was too big.

Why hello. I'm rocking this big-ass flower.

But something was still missing! Finally, this weekend I got to show Mom Hyena the One Corsage to Rule Them All in person, and she thought they needed more than just the one flower to look complete. I added a smaller ranunculus bulb, got her stamp of approval and then proceeded to make the other four corsages we will need. HALLELUJAH, finally a project complete after weeks of nothingness!

The completed corsages:

Two moms, two grandmas and one aunt that would kill me if she didn't get one.

The only difference between these and the boutonnieres is the added flower and no ribbon wrapping. Also, because the backs of the corsages were covered in spiky stems of "baby's breath" and "berries," I covered them with felt and hot-glued that down too:

I'm thinking this will make it easier to pin to clothing as well, since no one will have to look for a good place to jab a pin though the back of the flower itself.

I apologize that the cost breakdown will have to wait a bit longer, because today Mom Hyena and I discussed her opinion that the church altar decorations will be too small. More flowers may be added, and our budget continues to whimper in the corner.

Have you taken on any projects that were a pain to complete?


  1. Found your blog on Wedding Bee and since we are wedding date twins I thought I'd say hi!

    Great corsages! Congratulations on finally getting them done... Happy Sunday.

  2. I LOVE the final result! Definitely a fan of pin-corsages over wrist. And glad to hear your mom was a million times more helpful than I was. Heh.

  3. Hi Miss JD, thanks for reading! Yay for May weddings! What city are you getting married in?

    Thanks Jackie! You were plenty helpful, I just wasn't in the mind-frame yet to do anything about it. ^^
