
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Room to Dance

It had been quite a while since I'd gone to visit our venue, Downtown 202, and Mom Hyena recently freaked me out by saying she didn't think all the tables were going to fit in there. We're only having eight tables with no assigned or reserved seating so as to make it feel like a mix-n-mingle cocktail-type party, since Downtown 202 only provides that many tables. Mom Hyena was remembering it much smaller than it actually is, and in doing so, I started thinking it was super small too. Where will the people dance?!

I took the afternoon off to go see it again and play with the layout a bit, and I am SO glad I did! To my relief, everything fits exactly as I had imagined it! Since I didn't have good pictures to show off the first time we talked about the venue, I took some this time so you can get a better idea.

This is what people will see when they first walk through the door. In the back there's a stage. We think this may have been an old refurbished firehouse or something. I love the rustic brick! It continues to the left, but hold your horses, we're getting there!

Look up: there are GORGEOUS chandeliers all over the place! All of them are different too.

Now we'll take a look to the right ... there's the bar! Bathrooms are in the back. There's also a little soundbooth area closeted off to the very right, not pictured, but that's where we're going to run the music.

Now let's have a looksee to the left. Hi Mr. Hyena! Hi Planning Buddy JackieDe! They helped. (Actually, I wandered around and told JackieDe where everything was going to go while Mr. H did all the work. Thanks Mr. H!) You can get a nice view of some of the chandeliers here too. Just picture how gorgeous it will look with all the chandeliers going, some nice crisp linens on all the tables, some bright pink pops of color ... *sigh* I love it so much!

Walking into the room where Mr. H was setting tables in place ... I could see that everything will fit just fine over here, so the big room will be open for mingling and dancing. Downtown 202 provides a lot more chairs than tables, so those can go around the edges of the big room so there will be more places to sit.

What's that to the left? Oh, I'm glad you asked! The doors swing open to a little patio that's covered in plants! We have the option of setting up some cocktail tables out here, but I'm not sure what we're going to do yet. We could leave the doors open the whole time or we could just leave 'em closed and people can go out as they please.

Here's the view from the other end of the building. I'm in the storage closet so you can see how big it actually is. Why was I worried about it all fitting?

The chairs aren't super gorg, but upgrading is not an option. These come with the venue, and I don't have the funds for something that will essentially spend the evening getting acquainted with your butt.

So my oh-so-selfish question is going to be ... should I do something to make the chairs a little prettier? Cheap ideas are welcome (ie. not paying for chair covers)!


  1. Pretty!! And: Hi back!

    There's plenty of room, but I'm glad you have the confidence in it now. As for chairs, I don't really think they need anything, but if you want, maybe some ribbon/sashes or bows?

  2. Oh, chairs... the one big bummer about our venue is that while they do have tables, the chairs they provide are those crummy metal folding ones. While I despise them, I'm hoping this means that people won't be sitting in them for very long :)

    We thought about getting something to "dress them up", but I just don't think it's in the budget, and for the number of people we have it'll cost a lot of money to do it. I honestly don't think it'll be a big deal. I think that your chairs are cute, I like the natural wood because it goes with just about everything. If you felt the need, you could do ribbon or sashes, but I think they'd look just as good by themselves!
