
Thursday, February 24, 2011

OMG Shoes

Oh-my-gosh-you-guys!!! I know there's been a lot of buzz around the interwebs about Anthropologie's new wedding dress collection, BHLDN, and I honestly hadn't paid much attention because, duh, I have a dress already. But but but I just found out they have their own line of SHOES! And ... they're BEAUTIFUL! I want to buy them all!

Here are a few of my faves! I wish these had come out sooner, because I would sooooo wear, ummm, any of these under my wedding dress! I can't stop using exclamation points!

Pink Pompom Shoe Clips and Flouncy Peep-Toes (aaaaah bows!) via BHLDN

These are so cute I just want to die!

You should check out the other stuff in their collection as well. What I thought was simply a "wedding dress line" also has cute shrugs, cocktail dresses, cute hair doodads and more. Seriously, why did no one tell me this sooner?

Which ones are your favorite?

(No one is paying me for this post.)


  1. I LOVE all of those shoes. seriously if they weren't $400 ea. i would gt them all.

  2. I am avoiding BHLDN like the plague because I don't think I would have the will power to stop myself from buying everything.
