
Monday, April 11, 2011

Football is Manly

I has a football.

Elliott does not approve of these silly games.

What does a football have to do with wedding planning? I'm glad you asked. Prepare to have your mind blown. (Or not. I don't know your life.)

A couple of years ago, Mr. Hyena was a groomsman in a wedding. When the time for the garter toss came around, the groom removed the garter from his bride's leg, put it on a football, and tossed it into the crowd of waiting guys.

Let me tell you something about dudes that I'm sure you already know. Catching a lacy piece of fabric = not manly. Catching a football = MANLY.

Those guys FOUGHT over who got to catch the garter. I loved that. At every other wedding I've attended, single men have stood around awkwardly waiting for someone to pick the garter up so they wouldn't have to.

So we're totally ripping off the idea.

Mr. H wants to use this song:

He's a little bit obsessed with Rocky. I'm a little bit obsessed with making everyone have a good time. Perfecto.

Are you doing a garter toss? What song are you using?

1 comment:

  1. This is such a cute idea! We didn't do a garter toss, but if we had this idea would have totally been up our alley :)
